Terms and Conditions - Weddings

1. Conditions

Winslade Manor Limited (“Winslade Manor”). Winslade Manor will submit a written quotation which the person hiring the venue (the “Hirer”) shall accept online or in writing. In the absence of such written acceptance of the quotation making payment of the deposit shall validate the Contract. All aspects of your contract with Winslade Manor Weddings will be subject to these terms and conditions of hire.

2. Period of Hire

  • The period of hire is understood to mean the period for which the venue is required to be ready and available for use.
  • Period of hire is one day from 9am-0000 midnight.
  • Music must end at 12 midnight (late licence available at additional charge)
  • Guests must leave the Estate promptly and have pre-organised transport.
  • Carriages MUST be booked in advance of arrival

3. Payment

  • A £1000.00 deposit is paid to secure the venue – This is non-refundable.
  • This deposit is for the room hire and projected food and drinks for your estimated number of guests.
  • The next 50% payment is due 12 months prior to the Event, unless otherwise agreed between the Business and the Client.
  • The next 25% payment is due 6 months prior to the Event, unless otherwise agreed between the Business and the Client.
  • The final 25% payment is due 30 days prior to the Event, unless otherwise agreed between the Business and the Client.

4. The Business’s Management of The Event

  • The hire charge includes a wedding coordinator in the lead up to the function and on the day. This charge also includes waiting staff, bar staff and duty management on the day.
  • The Client agrees on their own behalf and on behalf of every guest
  • That the opinion of the Business is final in regard to safety matters.
  • To comply with any requests or orders made by the Business in the interests of safety however expressed.
  • 45 days prior to the event The Client will need to confirm final attendee numbers, dietary requirements and timings. The Client will be sent a Function Sheet 30 days prior and once the Client has signed this off as correct the final invoice will be sent. The Client cannot make any changes to the menu within these 30 days.
  • To comply with any reasonable instruction given by the Business for any other reason.
  • The Business reserves the right to request any guest to leave the event if in the opinion of the business the guest is behaving in a dangerous, unreasonable or disruptive manner and the client agrees to procure that such a request will be complied with by each and every guest. In such circumstances the business shall be under no liability to the client or the guest in respect to any refund of the price or compensation for any costs or damages, which may be incurred, by the client or guest.

5.Noise Pollution

  • The Business reserves the right to manage and prevent noise pollution.
  • The Client agrees that any band, entertainment, music provider will adhere to the business policy and sound limits.
  • Should any of the above parties not adhere to the sound limits then the business reserves the right to stop or prevent them from performing at the event.

6. Winslade Manor Equipment Hire

Winslade Manor operates a equipment hire facility, on occasions where the hirer enters into a financial agreement to hire any equipment, it will be considered for the duration of the event as ‘property of Winslade Manor’.

7. Audio Visual Equipment

Room hire includes the basic audio-visual Package, which includes PA, radio mic and LED monitor on stand. Hire of the interactive LED wall is available for the duration of the event and the evening entertainment from £500, to include a partner qualified engineer.

8. 3rd Party vendors “contractors”

The hirer will enter into agreements with contractors at own risk, Winslade Manor cannot be held liable for any contractors’ arrangements and contracts.

  • Band and music acts will need to be provided with operating terms and conditions, which will need to be signed for prior to the event commencement. On the occasion where contractors require use of house lighting, LED wall or PA integration a partner qualified engineer needs to be present or can be hired from £500.
  • The Business does not allow external caterers.
  • All suppliers booked by the Client who visit Winslade Park, at any point throughout the Agreement, must have sufficient valid Public Liability Insurance and evidence must be provided on request.

9. Loss or Damage

We have a refundable damage deposit fee of £500 as insurance for us against accidental damage of Winslade Manor and Winslade Manor hire equipment - We take this to protect ourselves and maintain our equipment to a high standard.

  • Broken property will be paid for in full by the client. At the rate of a like for like replacement.
  • Broken glassware will be charged for. At the rate of a like for like replacement.
  • We do allow Chinese Lanterns. Confetti should be biodegradable or rose petals. Plastic table confetti is not permitted.

10. Force Majeure

While every effort will be made by Winslade Manor to carry out any order accepted, the full performance of it is subject to variation or cancellation by Winslade Manor consequent upon act of God, War, Strikes, Riots, Lock outs, Pandemic or other labour disturbances, fire, flood, restrictions on the use of transport, fuel or power, requisitioning, shortage of material or transport or labour or any cause beyond the control of Winslade Manor

11. Modification of Contract

No verbal representations or arrangements are recognised by Winslade Manor and these terms and conditions shall only be modified by a supplementary written contract.

12. Cancellation or premature termination of contract

Cancellation by Clients:

  • The Client may cancel the Event but cancellation will only take effect from the date that the Business received written notice of cancellation. A cancellation fee will be payable as set out below,

Period of Notice = Cancellation fee:

  • 250 day or more notice = Non refundable deposit Only (20% of forecasted cost)
  • 91 to 250 days notice = 50% of total forecasted cost
  • 1 to 30 days notice = 100% of total forecasted cost.

Cancellation by the Business:

The Business reserves the right to cancel the event if;

  • The full payment has not been received by the business by the event date in accordance with payment terms.

13. Amendments to the Event

If necessary whether for reasons of safety or such as unavailability of qualified staff or suitable equipment or adverse weather conditions, or for other justifiable reasons the Business reserves the right to make, after consultation with the client wherever possible and as soon as reasonably possible.

14. The Business’s Liability

  1. The Business shall be required to take all reasonable care in providing the services and having regard to health and safety legislation
  2. The Business shall have no liability to the Client or the Guests (Other than death and personal injury of a guest resulting from the Business’s negligence) for any loss or damage of any nature however caused arising out of or in connection with attendance at the Event or to the property of the Client or Guest unless otherwise covered by the public liability insurance carried by the Business at the date of the Event, any such claim by the Client or Guest being made on the terms and conditions of such insurance a copy of which is available on request.
  3. The Contract of which these Terms and Conditions form part shall be governed by the Laws of England & Wales and the parties hereto shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English 7 Welsh Courts

15. Price Variations

The business reserves the right to increase its prices, or to make minor changes to the goods or the services offered, in the event of the Client requesting changes to the Assignment, or in circumstances beyond its control such as to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements, or to implement minor adjustments and improvements. Inflationary increases on food and drink will be charged. Any changes will be set out in writing and agreed.

The Business also reserves the right to review its food and drink prices annually. Changes to VAT or other taxes or duties by the government may be reflected in any prices charged.

16. Insurance

The Client is required, as part of your Booking with the Business, to obtain wedding/event insurance that provides (as a minimum) sufficient cover for the risk of your Booking being unable to proceed as a result of an Unexpected Event. This is due to the Client’s financial commitments to the Business if their Booking is cancelled because of an Unexpected Event. They are also recommended to consider more comprehensive wedding/event insurance against their other risks such as potential financial commitments to other suppliers. If the hirer chooses not to, or is otherwise unable to obtain wedding/event insurance that provides sufficient cover for their risks under the Agreement, they agree that this is at their own risk.

The business does not insure against or accept liability for loss, damage or accident or property (including vehicles) when attending events at Winslade Park.

17. Changing the Wedding Date

The Business will consider requests to change the Wedding Date for special circumstances only and if the request is made at least 9 months prior to the original Wedding Date.

The existing payment schedule will remain in place with the second payment due 9 months prior to the original Wedding Date, unless the Client has brought the Wedding Date forward in time in which case it will be due nine months prior to the new Wedding Date (unless agreed otherwise in writing).

The final payment will be due 30 days prior to the new Wedding Date. If the Wedding Date is changed the Package will be recalculated based on the current brochure costs at the time of the change and you will forfeit the fixed prices agreed at the time of Booking. However, the Exclusive Venue Hire price will not be reduced below the amount agreed at the time of booking.

The Business will charge a Service fee of £150 to Change the Client’s Wedding Date which will be added onto the total amount due.

18. Car Parking

Vehicles attending Winslade park at anytime are required to adhere to the Winslade Park car parking terms and conditions, in summary;

  • 0830 hrs - 1800 hrs Monday to Friday all vehicles must display a valid vehicle pass or have an online car parking voucher or pay and display for the duration of their visit.
  • After 1800 hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends car parking is complimentary
  • Preferential car parking packages can be added to your event when car parking for visitors is being paid for the client.

You can view and download these terms and conditions as a PDF here.
